As an engineering firm that specializes in innovative sewer technology, we have been operating successfully in the market for trenchless pipeline construction for more than 10 years. We support you in the planning, tendering, supervision, and optimization of trenchless construction methods. In addition, we assume responsibility for construction supervision, site management, and quality assurance. The basic component of our product portfolio is the metrological monitoring of pipe jacking through the use of OLC (Online Load Control) to prevent damage while carrying out the construction work.

INKA OLC - Online Load Control
With “Online Load Control” (OLC), you have a real-time view of the loads on the jacking pipes throughout the entire execution of the work:
- OLC continuously measures selected joint gap dimensions,
- the applied jacking forces, and
- the compression of the pressure transfer material used,
- calculates the allowable jacking forces (as per DWA-A 161) and documents all results online.

INKA VAL - Value Engineering
We help you to develop and improve all technical processes related to pipe jacking. Our value engineering and process analyses reduce efforts and costs by identifying potential solutions as alternatives to the original concept.
- Optimization of route alignment from economic and ecological points of view,
- Guidance and assessment in the selection of jointing materials,
- Simulation of the ramming process for estimating the pipe-jacking route.

INKA Pro - Procurement
The tender documents for construction work set a decisive course for the execution of the intended construction work and define the quality to be achieved. We stand by you in an advisory capacity and ensure that you achieve your quality objective. Alternatively, we can support you with our many years of experience by assisting in and awarding contracts for pipe jacking.
- Guidance on the tender process and awarding of services
- Establishment of minimum requirements (for alternative proposals),
- Evaluation of alternative proposals, opportunities, and risks,
- Quality assurance of technical specifications compiled by others.

INKA Exe - Execution
Increasing pressure to meet deadlines and growing demands for quality make proficient and experienced construction supervision ever more important. As a subdiscipline, we examine, calculate, and evaluate construction work for you.
- Construction supervision and site management
- Guidance on issues about construction management
- Calculation of the allowable jacking force (DWA worksheet 161)
- Conducting material tests.