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In the Beginning There Was Water

Water is the original focus of our engineering firm. Our Water division offers you solutions for all technical matters pertaining to hydraulic engineering, hydropower, and water management, with an emphasis on urban water management, and we do so throughout all phases of a project, from stocktaking and inventory assessment to formulating ideas, conducting studies, developing plans, and obtaining approvals, to and including the built implementation and supervision of the construction. In so doing, we stand for interdisciplinary solutions from a single source.

We apply technical and economic savvy to develop project-specific responses to the issues at hand by leveraging state-of-the-art technology while taking into account nature conservation, the impact on townscapes and landscapes, and all pertinent constraints affecting legal approval. We frequently also assume responsibility for the overall project management and coordination along with tasks in public relations, particularly with regard to interfacing with the pertinent government authorities, public interest organizations, citizens, and other stakeholders.

Today many projects – but especially large, complex ones – are in need of more than just a view of the proverbial “bigger picture.” We bring together our other fields of activity for smooth collaboration with the Water division as needed for each particular task. Examples of this are the entire scope of planning contributions related to nature conservation (Landscape conservation plans, Environmental impact assessment, etc.) as well as structural engineering, geotechnics/geology, control engineering, building services, and the modeling of groundwater flows, flowing waterbodies, and water quality.

Our Current Areas of Focus

Water in Times of Climate Change

There are few places where the interrelationships with climate change are as intensive as in the case of water. Changes in flood discharges and design water levels, dealing with drought in the water supply, managing heavy rainfall in the wastewater…

Urban Bodies of Water

Urban waters are streams, lakes, or ponds with-in a town or city. Not only do they bring nature to your doorstep and enrich urban life and experience, they also perform important functions for ecology, water management, and climate protection. We…

Ecological River Engineering and Passability

In line the EU Water Framework Directive, the ecological engineering of waterbodies prioritizes the natural development of our waters, of course in accordance with all restrictions. We develop guiding principles, identify potentials, and take an…

Heavy Rainfall and Multifunctional Rainwater Management

Heavy rainfall events posed a challenge even long before the effects of climate change became increasingly noticeable. We investigate and optimize sewer networks with modern computational methods. When planning multifunctional measures for rainwater…

Planning and Energy Use Optimization of Pumping Systems

The planning and optimization of pump systems offers great potential to optimize energy- and cost-efficiency in the operation of abstraction systems – in water collection, treatment and distribution, in wastewater and rainwater management, and in…

Simulation of Pipeline and Network Systems

Properly functioning pipe and sewer networks are the prerequisite for a sustainable mode of operations in the drinking water and wastewater sector. Using modern GIS techniques for data collection and evaluation, we carry out network analyses, network…

Sewer and Pipeline Planning, Pipe Jacking and Horizontal Boring

We plan, build, and rehabilitate sewer and pipe networks for wastewater disposal and drinking water supply at all scales and in all spaces – from stormwater sewers in residential streets to inner-city main collectors or main supply lines to…

Flood Protection

Our home base of Koblenz straddles the Rhine and Moselle, making it prone to flooding, so flood protection is naturally one of our core competencies. As part of our implementation of the three-pillar strategy – technical flood protection, natural…

Dams – Inspection, Refurbishment, Retrofit, and Operation

Dams in accordance with DIN 19700 form a backbone for achieving water management objectives such as those of flood protection, hydropower, and drinking water extraction. Climate change and aspects of environmental and nature conservation exert a…

Water Supply Concepts

A variety of systems, some of them complex, are used to secure the water supply. Sustainable measures for new construction, modification, or rehabilitation must be timely and needs-oriented. Water supply concepts investigate the current and future…

Water Supply Facilities

Through the development of concepts, studies, and planning as well as the supervision of construction work, we support our clients both in new construction projects and in the rehabilitation of facilities as well as in alterations or expansions…

Drinking Water Treatment

Steadily rising particulate and organic impurities in raw water along with trace substances are continuously increasing the requirements for drinking water treatment. Using customized combinations of chemical, physical, and biological processes, we…

Groundwater Management

Groundwater extraction forms the backbone of the drinking water supply in Germany. The sustainable management of groundwater resources is therefore an essential public service, especially in the face of climate change. We develop supra-regional and…

Water Rights and Protection Area Applications

Whether for the purposes of the public drinking water supply or for commercial and industrial use, the extraction of groundwater requires the regulatory granting of water rights. For the preservation and safeguarding of natural groundwater resources…

Groundwater Development

The development of natural groundwater resources requires a knowledge of the geological and hydrogeological conditions as well as the technical possibilities for safe groundwater capture. Our experienced team assists you by planning the construction…