Groundwater Management
Groundwater extraction forms the backbone of the drinking water supply in Germany. The sustainable management of groundwater resources is therefore an essential public service, especially in the face of climate change. We develop supra-regional and regional concepts of groundwater management. Our experts analyze the available data on the existing hydrological, hydrogeological, and qualitative constraints. They develop hydrogeological models and employ numerical models to calculate groundwater recharge or to compile projections for the sustainable operation of groundwater extraction and the conservation of natural groundwater resources. Tasks during the ongoing operation of groundwater extraction, such as concepts for catchment area monitoring (conception, tendering, supervision and evaluation of groundwater sampling for hydrochemical analyses, etc.) are also part of our portfolio. As a methodological complement to the hazard analyses made within the framework of the remediation of contaminated sites and in the course of applications for water protection areas, we prepare risk analyses for drinking water extraction (as per DVGW W1001-B1/B2) as well as impact analyses (based on failure mode and effects analysis, FMEA).